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ROX - Gateway to the Markets


The ROX desktop trading platform is a sophisticated OMS/EMS that empowers traders by providing lightning fast access to exchanges, ECNs, dark pools, and market makers world-wide. Its speed, simplicity, and record-keeping abilities contribute to a performance edge in the marketplace.  Customers with their own front-end systems can take advantage of the ROX low-latency order routing network by routing orders to ROX via the FIX protocol.


ROX Lek Securities
  • The ROX Order API, based on Microsoft’s powerful COM architecture, allows traders to use proprietary programs to send orders and receive reports. It can handle thousands of messages per second.

  • ROX can turn a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet into a real time order blotter, profit and loss display, or quote watch, and allows traders to develop Excel-based trading strategies.

  • ROX is a front-end to domestic and foreign markets.

  • ROX uses a powerful client/server model to communicate with its users.

  • Connection to ROX is over LSC’s network, located in data centers globally, or via the internet. Either choice is fast and secure.

  • The ROX FIX interface can support your preferred version of the FIX protocol.